Postkort: Leipzig lavgulvsledvogn 1138 (Richard Wagner) nær Hauptbahnhof (1995)

Endestation: Hauptbahnhof.
Arkiv: Henrik Boye.
Fotograf: Bill MacDonald.
Dato: 22. august 1995.
By: Leipzig (Tyskland).

Billedet viser

Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe (LVB)
I drift

Leipzig lavgulvsledvogn 1138 (Richard Wagner) (ex Leipzig lavgulvsledvogn 1138), fabrik Düwag/Waggonbau Bautzen, type NGT 8, serie 1101-1156, bredde 2.20 m, længde 27.80 m, vægt 32.0 t, produceret 1994-1998, med 76 siddepladser og 114 ståpladser, motorkraft 95 kW, max fart 60 km/t, beskiltet S Dienstfahrt.


MTC #58 - Leipzig, Germany (LVB)
This brand-new NGT8 Articulated Low-Floor Light Rail Vehicle, not yet numbered, was built by Duewag/Siemens/ABB/Bautzen. This car is 27.8m long, 2.2m wide, 3.1m high. With seating for 76 and standing room for 114, its total capacity is 190 passengers, It is shown standing alongside the Railway Station.
August 22, 1995

Postkort: Leipzig lavgulvsledvogn 1138 (Richard Wagner) nær Hauptbahnhof (1995)

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