Spårvagn Linje 1 (Tram nr 1 in Gothenburg)
YouTube navn: dreamscapegbg.
Sprog: Svensk.
Dato: 28. maj 2012.
By: Gøteborg (Sverige).
Videoen viser
Göteborgs Spårvägar (GS)
I drift
Gøteborg sporvognslinje 1: Östra Sjukhuset - Tynnered (ex Ringlinien)
I drift
Interested in the music? See below...
Linje 1 från Tynnered till Östra sjukhuset.
Hållplatsstoppen e bortklippta och filmen e upspeedad 300%.
Filmat i Maj 2012.
Tram line number 1 in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Starts in Tynnered and finish at Östra Sjukhuset.
Film is edited without the passenger stops and increased to 300% speed.
Filmed in May 2012.
The music on my videos is my own creations and are free to use for anyone as long is for NON-PROFIT use and credits are shown as DreamscapeGBG. just send me a pm on where you use it. How to download the music? My music is only available on these videos. You can use Real player to download and separate the audio from video.